Monday, October 5, 2009


Monday, 30 July 2007

Just Babbling....

August is around the corner. And we're going to Dallas on August 9th to visit my dear friend Linda and her family. It's amazing how we got to see them last August and then they came out here to Irvine in March. Prior to all that I saw Linda at our wedding and that was it! It's been a joy because Emily loves Carolyn and Joel. Eddie, her husband, is such a great guy. And it's awesome how Dave and Eddie get along so well. You would have thought that we all knew each other for a very long time! We can't wait!

After Dallas we'll be heading out to St Louis so that Emily can have her final evaluation at St Louis Children's hospital with Dr. Park. I am hoping that the physical therapist who will be doing the evaluation as well won't say that she needs to continue physical therapy back home. Emily seems to be burnt out by going to therapy at CHOC. She's been going there since she was 3 years old. I think what bothers her is seeing alot of the sick kids who are in wheelchairs, braces, walkers, etc... going there for therapy. And she finds it uncomfortable setting. I remind her that she received a wonderful gift from God who led us to see Dr Park in St Louis. And through a very special surgery she is able to do everything she wants without having any limitations. Of course Emily still needs to work on running, having proper form when it comes to running, walking up and down the stairs at a faster rate without holding onto rails, and just walking at a faster pace. You know how you always want your child to get an A+ on a test? Well that is how I am feeling in this final evaulation. I want Emily to end with flying colors. I want the doctor and therapist to say that Emily just needs to continue what she is doing and she will reach her goal.

With that trip comes bringing Louie, the teacup yorkie, home to California. When we arrive in St Louis Sunday night, David is going to drop us off at the hotel and then drive 60 miles to pick up Louie from the breeder. We'll have to take a pet carrier to St Louis. Louie will have to be in the hotel Sunday night through next morning while Emily is at the evaluation. Will Louie be okay by himself in the hotel room? We don't think the hotel allows dogs; will we get in trouble? Can I take the dog into the hospital? Will we get into trouble for that??? Oh I am stressed by this situation because Louie isn't allowed in either of those places. If I had it my way, I would want to do the evaluation, then drive to pick up Louie at the breeders. Then go to the airport afterwards. That would be what I would want to do. Other option? To have the breeder fly on the plane and bring Louie to us in California! Yeah. That is what I would do....OR hire someone to fly out to St Louis and bring the puppy to California!!!

If I make it back home from St Louis and all goes well, I will be such a happy camper. I think I am stressed out with all this scenarios. It's not doing justice to my grey hairs!!! Why have I become so stressed out about everything?

Up to my late 20s I was so laid back and carefree about life. Nothing bothered me; I could care less. I guess I was a late bloomer and after maturing came responsibility = stress. Dang!

I need to find some type of an outlet to relieve my stress......No not a shopping outlet/ mall (hahaha) but a fun hobby or something.....blogging is definitely something....rearranging & organizing has been therapeutic for me.
Feels like a disease sometimes at how I am so stressed out about stuff. Vodka tonic? Rum & diet coke? Glass of wine? maybe that'll ease my mind...

Blah blah blah....let me find a glass. hasta for now!

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