Monday, October 5, 2009

Boys are Bullies or just BOYS

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

A Bully or Just Being a Boy??? Kindergarten can be Hard

I love asking Emily everyday after school how her day was...And usually she'll tell me it's good. Few hours as she is playing in her play room, she'll tell me something that made her sad or frustrated from school.

The other day Emily told me that a little boy from early bird class (I'll keep his name confidential) hit her with a metal. What??? Before I can react as a mom, I thought I would stay calm and collected and listen to the whole story first before I start spassing out!

First, I know boys will be boys. And I know a story can be blown out of proportion too. But I need to hear what this metal is from Emily and listen to the whole story...

So she tells me that a korean boy from early bird class hit her with a metal. A METAL???? I was thinking, what metal??? That would cause harm, pain, and danger to my daughter! Anyways, keeping calm, I asked her if the boy (I'll keep his name confidential) hit her accidentally. She said NO. Emily told the boy to stop it and he would not listen to her. So she told Mrs Lee and she took the metal away from the boy.

I am struggling in this area of teaching Emily how to stand up for herself. This is part of growing up and part of life. She doesn't need to be afraid nor have to be defensive either. I told her to speak up firmly and to make the kid understand. However, if he does not, go tell the teacher. But never show your fear or else the boy may find it fun to pick and tease you again...He may find it fun to get a reaction out of you!

I know who this kid is. And as a mom I want to go up and give her and this boy a piece of my mind. But then he is only 6 years old and a boy too! And I cannot stoop into childish behavior. All I can do is pray for God's angels to surround her at all times. And ask God to surround Emily with wonderful group of friends both boys and girls who will defend her and protect her too.

Luckily this kid is in the early bird class; so Emily doesn't have to deal with him all day in class.

Dear God, I hope you can provide Emily with good boys as friends as you did at Creators Corner. At Creators Corner Preschool you provided Emily with Max Mayeda and Cole Lloyd who liked Emily, played with her, helped her, and protected her feelings when someone hurt or was not kind towards Emily. Emily mentions how she wished Max and Cole were in her class right now. That breaks my heart to hear that because she assumed all boys were nice, kind, and caring. What a sad world we live in, Lord. So please hear this prayer, Father. Please surround Emily with loving and caring friends who will be her friends for life...Please surround Emily with awesome girls and boys are her friends...her homegirls...her homeboys! This is all I ask. I don't want her happy spirit to be lost because of these mean experiences she is encountering at school. So Father God, please hear my prayer...

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