Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My New Blog Site

So I am in the process of saying good-bye to Xanga and hello to Blogger! David came up with the blog title, "What's Up with Esther and Her Peeps..." I don't know if I really like that or not because "Her Peeps" sounds like I'm in my 20s or something! Should I act my age? 

The weather has been so nice and cool lately that I can't help but to get excited about the holidays. I am excited to think about wearing my winter clothes and boots. And I have been having fun cooking and making our home smell so festive and nice. 

Lately I have been wondering about going back to work or to just work "less than part-time" while Emily is in school. But that type of a job is hard to find because I don't want to sacrifice my availability to volunteer in Emily's class and her school events. I know I don't have to work, but just something little to keep me busy would be great....where are the work-from-home jobs for moms???

There are times that I do ponder and wonder what my life would be like if I pursued a career that gave me the option to work later in life (meaning my present life). So yeah. I have learned that whatever Emily wants to pursue in life we will support her. She doesn't have to be a doctor or a lawyer. She can choose a career that will fit her later on in life. 

Watching Emily grow up and interact with her peers amazes me. Tonight after dinner, Emily asked if she could go outside and ride her scooter. She walked over to Isabella's house and saw her dad outside. (This is 5 houses down from us). She asked Isabella's dad if she could come out and play. Now keep in mind Emily doesn't play with her at school nor has played with her since kindergarten. The 2 girls played outside for about one hour. She's exerting her independence. At dinner she saw her principal and was so excited to see Dr. Kemp! Then she saw 2 other teachers and ran up to them to say HELLO! I think I was just shy at her age. So I am glad Emily has the confidence like this! 

Just babbling right now...Love that song by Journey, "Don't Stop Believing"! That should be my motto everyday as I tend to be a pessimist. 

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