Tuesday, April 26, 2011

3rd Grade Field Trip to Hertiage Hill Historical Park

The 3rd grade Miss Yoshida and Mrs Harlow's class went on a field trip to Heritage Hill Historical Park. The other 2 classes will be going on Friday. Here are some pictures and video to capture this special day. This may be my last field trip volunteering as Emily has indicated that she would like to be more independent and not have her mommy go with her on these trips. Hmm--- should I be sad or upset? I'll just blow that comment off for now!

All the kids got a special headband

had to listen to a story about a turtle.

games the indians played a long time ago

matching game played back in 1900s

art on a special fabric used by the Indian kids

Another craft


Had to go in backwards in case of a scary animal who may try to attack

some of the kids



Had to go into the uniforms worn by the girls and boys


Sitting down in the actual classroom from Kindergarten - 8th grade


Emily got called to write the word she spelled on the slate on the chalkboard. Because the kids these days do not use a chalk or a chalkboard it was hard for the kids to write the words big and straight on the board. But it was a fun experience for Emily.

This is just a super short video of a playground game the kids played back in the days. It was harder than it looked.

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