Monday, October 5, 2009

First Tooth Lost

Friday, 12 October 2007

Emily Loses Her FIRST Baby TOOTH!!!

What a very significant day! Emily loses her first baby tooth this morning!!! Here's a picture. Our little baby is growing up!!! Wonder what the tooth fairy will bring her tomorrow morning!
October 12, 2007 @ 8:08AM in living room. Emily finished her breakfast and complained her tooth was more loose. David gave Emily a cup of crushed ice for her to "chew". She took the cup into the living room while David & I were having breakfast. Then at 8:08AM she runs back and says, "my tooth fell out!". She moved it around withher finger and it came out!
Aren't these pictures cute and FUNNY???
We celebrated by taking her to Toys R Us and then to Red Robin for dinner. She even got a treat with a hot fudge sundae.

Looking back to when Emily first got that tooth, here are some pictures. It was back in October or November 2002. So fun to look back at the old pictures and see how much Our little Emily has grown! Check these out. Ahhh... our little baby Emily!

Okay. Random pics now....Makes me want to go down memory lane...hope that's okay.
Wanna see how little Emily was when she came home from the hospital? 5 pounds and 10 oz!!! She was tiny!

One of my favorite picture. I love Emily's giggles! This is an old picture of her... Grandma is tickling her.

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