Monday, October 5, 2009

OC Fair

Sunday, 07 October 2007

Life Is Better

So I've been feeling much better lately. I begged God to snap me out of this weird depression, anger, loneliness, and boredom that I was dealing with. I hated myself for being snappy and mean to Emily and to David. And it was so easy to blame everything on the little 2 pounds 6 oz puppy that we have. But with lots of begging and pleading GOD to help me, and walks I can say that my life is feeling better.

David has been such a great husband and God has reminded me that HE provided me with a partner for life who is very loving, caring, and patient with me. He listens to me and I think he really does LOVE ME for ME even though I may be somewhat C-R-A-Z-Y!!! There is a reason that in high school and college people would say, "there's crazy esta"!!!

I have decided to really capture those special moments that makes me laugh and smile when I hear the darnest things Emily says or does. And I have decided to write those things down so that I can show it to her when she is much older. Today after church, Emily approached me and said, "mommy, daddy, did you know that a little boy died last Sunday? That is the Sunday I did not memorize my memory verse for Sunday School. A boy died and went to heaven." Then she continued by saying is the boy happy in heaven? And then concluded that sentence with, "the little boy is happy because he is with the nicest person in the whole wide world. That is God, you know..."
It made me think about how simple a child sees life. A little boy who died is in heaven with the nicest person in the whole wide world. Life is so short. We shouldn't waste our life with the stupid worries and " whoe is me...pity pity me..." stuff.

Yesterday we checked out the Kidsfair at Orange County Fairgrounds. I have to admit that going to a fair isn't really my thing, but we went. And here are some pictures capturing the fun moments we had (seeing Emily have fun makes David & myself enjoy ourselves too!).

Emily takes a picture with Madeline! She loves Madeline and even sings some of her French songs!

The GIGANTIC RED STOKKE! Emily has one but this one is a GIANTIC one! I had to be in the picture too! haha

Emily never liked petting zoos up to last year. But now she just loves the petting zoo. I just saw a sign that said it is not their responsibility for e-coli that may be passed from animal to person if they forget to wash their hands....I got my purell ready to douse her hands before heading to the bathroom...

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