Monday, October 5, 2009


Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Emily and Playdates

Emily is just a lucky little girl. Last week ended her summer school and swim class. I was wondering how I could keep her busy. Well initially I thought we would do crafts, homework, go to the pool, shopping, etc...together. Lots of mother-daughter time. But there were playdates almost everyday. This week Emily has 3 playdates on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. She is going to have breakfast with another friend on Thursday. Such a social butterfly. Who says only child has no fun! shoot! she is laughing, dancing, and playing a ball with her friends.
It makes me so happy to see Emily so happy.

Yesterday she went over to Amanda's house for a playdate. Today Sydney came over for a playdate. And Friday Crystal will be coming over. We're waiting to see if Shelby is available for breakfast on Thursday morning. Oh and one of Emily's summer school friend Madison wants a playdate too which we're trying to find the time.

I think playdates are a great way for Emily to learn to share not only her things, but also to learn about give and take. She also learns to use her imagination in pretend play with her friends too.

I often wonder if I were working would Emily have all this opportunity? I am blessed that Emily can have this fun time with some wonderful friends.

Thursday she starts her piano lesson again. Need to squeeze in her practice in the morning so she can have fun playdates in the afternoon time.

What do I do during her playdates? I take pictures and try to find items to sell on ebay...There's got to be a better type of a job for me to do at home...what is that??? I've been looking at, but there is nothing in the Orange County area right now. What to do...what to do...

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