Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lovely Mother's Day

What a joyful day which started at 6:30AM with Emily saying, "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!" I got the sweetest cards made with tons of love, a book that Emily made for me with pictures and stories about being a wonderful mommy, and my favorite? A song that she sang for me! I have experienced what a priceless gift is all about. And truly no money can substitute for what I received today!

David and Emily made a delicious breakfast with grits! My favorite!!! We went to church, heard an amazing speaker Mike Foster who heads up (People of the Second Chance). We went to Boudin for lunch. I know I's not "fancy", but you know what? I just LOVE their turkey cranberry sandwich and salad!!! We went home afterwards even though David and Emily wanted to know what I wanted to do or go...I love home and wanted to go home and chill out! SO we did and even took a nap after a nice walk to the park.

We had dinner at Thanh's with both parents which was nice. It was time to celebrate OUR mom's for Mother's Day! And we are so thankful for our moms and how well they raised us. Oh and a bonus...MY mom and dad gave ME a Mother's Day card with a $100.00 bill!!! Thanks, mom and dad!!! They said I am such a great mom to Emily and they are so proud of me for being a good mom! That meant the world to me. So thank you, mom and dad!! I love you tons!!!

Now enjoy the pics and video capturing a fun day today!!! 
Pretty card made with love from Emily

This is a card made by my hubby.

Another card from Emily
A very special book that Emily made for me.

Breakfast made by Emily and Chef Daddy this morning at 7AM! We had organic eggs, bacon, healthy toast, chicory coffee, and good ol' grits! yummy!

Fun stuff this afternoon in our backyard and at the playground

Emily sings this song for me!

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