All that I do for Emily from feeding her good and healthy food (fun ones too) to making sure all of her homeworks and school projects are done to the best of her ability, I think I have to give that "work ethic" to my mom and how she raised and taught me. Let's not forget to thank my dad who was able to give my mom that flexibility to be at home and raise me to the woman I am today.
I remind Emily daily that I am able to stay home, buy her nice things and give her all the things that she needs BECAUSE of her daddy! I also remind her that it is because of daddy that mommy can stay home to take care of you! It is so important and crucial to teach your child to treasure her daddy so so much! I sure did and my mom reminded me frequently to treasure & thank my daddy.
I don't really like this "Hallmark" marketing of Mother's Day. Everyday should be Mother's Day, Father's Day, Family Day, Kid's Day, etc...But one day out of the year to spend money on buying cups that say, "You're the BEST Mom", flowers, soaps, fragrances, etc....? Of course I love to buy things for my mom on Mother's Day, but to have the pressure to buy something for this one day? I honestly don't like that. Maybe it's because I am getting older, but I value the precious conversations, laughter, and just being together over a nice meal more than anything. If you are reading this, Emily, all I ever want is for you to be a wonderful daughter and a wonderful lady and a friend to others. I hope and pray that you will always feel comfortable to talk to your mommy about everything and anything. I pray that you will never feel scared or nervous to be open with your family. I want lots of laughter and sunshine in our home. And an occasionally coffee and yummy dessert! I want our hearts to grow and be overflowing with happiness. I want our home to be open to love others and to forgive one another. But never let there is silence and distance. And so that is my prayer and wish for this Mother's Day and every Mother's Day!
Often these type of Hallmark holidays are equated with $$$ signs at the end. I guess in the Asian culture the $$$ sign is equated with the size of your love for another. But not to me...The most special gifts are those given from the heart. I think I have all of the gifts and cards from friends and family that may be JUNK to the typical person. But to me are the most treasured. If I could buy my mom and my mother-in-law an outfit from St.Johns I know that would bring a huge smile to their faces. But in reality, I can't fathom spending $2000.00 - $5000.00 each for an outfit! I just can't! Do you know how much that money can benefit a family from World Vision??? Or a Gucci or a Louis Vuitton handbag for $1300.00 or more??? I'm sorry I just can't and don't want to have that type of pressure. Plus it's just not right!
This is the era of not spending ridiculous amount of money on ridiculously overpriced name brand items. NO matter how much you spend on something you will never wear or carry that item for the rest of your life. You'll always find a replacement! But you know what? Love and anything from the heart can never be replaced! The special times I had with my mom growing up is what I treasure and remember. Those memories can never be replaced. And the special memories I have with Emily are the ones that I will always remember... And to me that is the best Mother's Day gift ever!!!
Last year on Mother's Day, my mom went in for surgery at City of Hope for tumor in her kidney. That was probably the biggest scare and hole in my heart. As Mother's Day was approaching this year, I couldn't forget about that scare. And I was just holding my breath for her annual checkup to make sure that the tumor did not come back. And luckily it did not. My mom does not have any cancer tumors in her kidney. And to me that is the best best gift for me on this Mother's Day. I don't know what I would do if I heard a bad news.
Since I was little my only repetitive prayer to the Lord was for my parents to live a healthy and a long life. I recently heard Emily say the same prayer. Well as my parents are aging, I still say this prayer to the Lord that they live a healthy and a long happy life.
Happy Mothers' Day to everyone!!!
So many memories, but here are few pics of my mom and me...

Finally the fun memories with my little girl Emily!!! She is a joy and the best gift ever!!! Her smile depicts the happy girl Emily!!!
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